In UCEX, the cell phone of the early 2000’s has been replaced by a device that is a generational step beyond its predecesors. Even back in 2013, cellphones could make calls, record information, take pictures, record music. Some could even download movies and TV.
No, what makes your Agent unique is its Self-Adaptive AI. SA2 is the programming that operates your Agent. It is not a true AI, but rather a set of interlocking programs that manage data and “learn” how to do things by interacting with its owner. This allows the Agent to manage your life—to make sure you have the time to do what you need to do instead of going to the store or washing the laundry.
(GAME NOTE: really, since UCEX is in a non military setting, the excellent plot vehicle of the Liaison Officer from UC3K is no longer available. As such the Agent will help to bridge the plot-motivating gap.)
Let’s start with basic “phone” functions. Sure, you can use your Agent to make phone calls in voice, flatscreen or 3D holos. You can record your calls, forward them, or even put them on answer mode.
But why stop there? Like a real agent, your agent can also manage your calls. If you’re trying to locate a person, your Agent will not only scan the DataPool to get their location from their Agent, but can also place the call for you. If you don’t have time to talk, it can generate a realistic talking headshot of you compiled from the times you’ve used it; the headshot can deliver messages or act as an answering machine. Your Agent can also screen your calls, tailoring the headshot’s response to each caller as needed (nice for a client, nasty for a phone solicitor) and telling you what’s been done in each case (using one of the hundreds of possible downloadable “voices” it can access for itself). Finally, your agent can send or recieve text messanging as well as download screamsheet (news) updates keyed to particular subjects you want to keep track of.
Your Agent is also your backup memory. Not only can it keep appointments for you like an organizer, but it can act on them. Let’s say you have an anniversary. Tell the Agent the person and date. Not only will it remind you, but you can set it up to scan its personal data base on the person in question and use the data to pick out a gift. It’ll ask you ahead of time if the gift would be acceptable; if it is, the Agent will order the gift, pay for it out of your cred account, and have it delivered to the recipent——all via the DataPool.
Your Agent also acts as a portable “farley file” , compiling information about the people you associate with, either by noting your interactions with them, or by interrogating their Agents to ask for data (like phone numbers or personal preferences). Need information? Forget using a DataTerm. Your Agent has autonomous search functions that lets it do research for you. Ask your Agent to find you information on a topic, and it will cruise the DataPool looking for facts. It can compile those facts into a simplified report format (you choose the report parameters) that can be delivered thru text, graphics or voice. Your Agent can also scan the DataPool to locate a person, place or thing. You can tell it to display the result as a map, a GPS guide or a vocal file.
Your Agent can be linked to most of the appliances in your conapt. It talks to your fridge and your cupboards to ask them if you need food; if you’re running out of things on your shopping list, it can be set to order more supplies and have them delivered to your door. It even talks to the toilet paper roller to make sure you never run out. You can hook your Agent up to talk to your clothes— the digital fabric tells your Agent when it’s getting worn out, lets the Agent know what it is, where it was bought and where to order a replacement. You can hook your Agent into most of the devices in your life; if your fancar needs maintenance, it’ll schedule an appointment with the mechanic; if your weapons need cleaning or repairs, it’ll tell you that too. The Agent even monitors your body signs if you ask; if you’re wounded, it can scan your body and call EMS.
Your Agents is also your main entertainment conduit. Forget about lugging those old school music players, MPEG pods or entertainment comps around. Your Agent can store thousands of hours of programming; music, video, movies, games. It can display them on its own onboard LCD or holoscreens, or automatically seek out any unused video/audio screen in the area and project its programming though that. With digital fabrics, it can even project your favorite entertainment on your clothes. If you watch a certain kind of entertainment program, you agent will take note; after the second time you watch, your Agent will automatically download it for you from the DP. It’ll also keep track of similar kinds of programs and flag a sample episode for you to watch. And if its storage memory gets overloaded, it can automatically download unused data into backup memory modules (which it can buy and have delivered to your conapt) where it can access them at any time.
As a fully functional computer, Agents have access to many computer program functions as well. They can word process using voice or a VR keyboard, downloading the output to DataPool or a hardcopy printer. They can record images in 2 or 3D (depending on model) and upload the images to the DataPool. Onboard programs can be used to mix music, create special effects, even generate CGI imagery. With links to flopscreens and music synths, you can even use an Agent to play a gig. In short, having an Agent is like having a personal secretary equipped with a phone, TV/recording studio, entertainment system, computer, medical alert button, personal organizer and online shopping service, all in a box about the size of a pack of cigarrettes.
Agents come in three basic types: Basic (stripped down without a lot of extra bells and whistles), Expensive (with most bells and whistles and extra functions) and Luxury (Everything you can cram in).
Phone Functions: Video call send/receive, call forward, call waiting, call screening.
Talking Heads: Creates artificial heads to show on other phones
Text Messenging: Recieve instant text messages instead of voice
Search Function: Searches DataWeb files for names or sentence strings, then shows files as requested. Base percentage chance of finding a well known fact is listed above.
Map Functions: Can call up area maps, plus directions between 2 points.
Global Positioning: Can show exact location of unit on projected map.
News download: Automatically downloads top hourly headlines.
Specific News: Will auto dowload news on any 10 topics and download information.
Appliance Talk: Can give remote instructions to microwaves, vaccum cleaners, washing systems.
Shopping Services: Will auto-order using downloaded catalogs. List desired purchases and it will order based on time/date, specific sale price, or model availability.
Entertainment: Downloads and stores digital video/audio files, including TV programs, movies, music, games.
Digital Fabric Link: Links to 10 favorite pieces of digital clothing, automatically ordering and purchasing replacements if these are damaged or lost (asks you).
Auto EMS: Automatically summons Trauma Team to its location.
Use Local Screens: Automatically slaves visual images to any video screen within 100m.
Word Processing: Can be used to write text, including video/audio samples.
Digital Music Synth: : Can be used to generate simulated instruments using holo keyboards, synthesizing and storing output.
CGI/FX generator: Can project small (1m /yd square) holos, incling sound, light and visual effects.
Techscanner: Can run diagnostic programs on code locks, cyberware, computers, vehicles.
Digitial Recorderr: Record and plays digital storage chips for holographic, audio media.
Security Scanner: Locates bugs, bandwidth access and alarm systems. within 100m. Can jam these with a 35% chance.
Tracking Device: Can trace a remote “bug” up to 1mile (2km).
Movement Sensor: IR/sesmic Alarm system, with 95% chance of detecting movement in a 10m/yd area.
But all this power is isan’t much use without a hookup, RIGHT? And that means Agency. You’ll need a service provider to sell you that Agency—connectivity.
No one company owns connectivity. There are millions of providers and new ones rezzing in every day. They put up a few wireless nodes, link cheater software into the existing nodes that are already active. No one owns all the nodes; but since every new node simply increases the reach, existing providers are happy to let new guys link in.
Basic Agency costs are:
No one company owns connectivity. There are millions of providers and new ones rezzing in every day. They put up a few wireless nodes, link cheater software into the existing nodes that are already active. No one owns all the nodes; but since every new node simply increases the reach, existing providers are happy to let new guys link in.
Basic Agency costs are:
Monthly Agency cost=100+1D6 NCD