Wednesday, January 7, 2009


The single most important breakthrough in the period since the Fourth Corporate War, nanotechnix is the advanced science of microscopic machines. While nanotech had existed in limited forms since the early 2000’s, nanotechnix was a quantum leap in that instead of simply creating timy machines that could manipulate things on the molecular level, nanotechnix devices are more of a mixture of nanomachines and artificial life.
Nanotechnix not only think for themselves, but are actually capable of (to a limited extent) evolving to meet new conditions as they occur. Nanotechnix underlies the fluid state metals used in Livemetal; the same technology provides the basis for Rolling State’s Adaptive Nanosymbotes and the injection systems for the Zoanoid's Transform Viruses. And while nanotechnix isn’t directly used in OLYMPUS and Riptide’s altechs, the versions of the same technology is used to manipulate Riptide gene-assemblers and OLYMPUS power systems.

The main creator of the nanotechnix revolution appears to have been Dr. David Chiang, originally a scientist working for the Center For Disease Control’s (CDC) Washington DC. complex. From his first early experiments with Livemetal, to more ambitious projects involving the nanobuilders used to terraform the Earth and construct New Chicago, Chiang appears to have learned how to program nanotech with a unified group intellect that allowed it to make limited decisions to accomplish a set of unbreakable parameters. It is rumored that this information may be related in some way to the shortlived Carbon Plague incident that erupted outside of New York during early U.C. 0022, but with his suicide in late 0025, the actual secret of how nanotechnix were developed (and the ability to build new programing for new nanotechnix) have gone with the doctor to his grave.