The Allied Earth United Government (A.E.U.G.) is the fusion of the largest mercantile / financial organization on Earth and the most advanced, best planned government on Earth. With the single-Earth-government established and a strong need for world-wide standardizations in several industries to improve production efficiency for the Reconstruction. One of the first tools to undergo the rigorous standardization process was personal armament. Thus rose the Seburo division of POSEIDON Industries. A phenomenally successful weapons manufacturer ready to produce the firearm best suited to replace the literally hundreds of firearms once produced by almost as many companies. Their Universal Century firearms are the most reliable, best crafted weapons ever made in human history. If they were'nt, old die-hards would never accept them as replacements for their 'old standbys'. Working from a rock solid base mechanism more reliable than the famed AK-47, they are as customizable and versatile as a developing world needs to fit every posible combat need.