This powered unit represents an unusual divergence from classic HardSuit technology. Though based on principles similar to those used in other prototype powered suits, it has been heavily modified with systems utilized by the Motorslaves.
The most notable feature of this armored suit is its arms, which use a distinctive motorslave like arrangement: The wearer's arms are inside armored 'master arm" sleeves which connect to the larger, more powerful "slave arms", which are equipped with powered manipulators, hardpoints for mounting interchangeable weapons, plus subsensors and targeting systems which are housed in the wrists.
Another distinctive feature is the clamshell flight-backpack, which powers the two turbine engines mounted on swiveling hip joints. When stowed, the engines are folded down along the beltline; for flight they swing up so that the airscoop intakes point forward.
Unlike most Hardsuits, the suit does not have a separate helmet. Instead, the wearer's head is fully enclosed by a helmet-like armored turret, with scanning performed by a cluster of sensors. In non-combat situations, the visor can be opened to give the operator a clearer view.
The most notable feature of this armored suit is its arms, which use a distinctive motorslave like arrangement: The wearer's arms are inside armored 'master arm" sleeves which connect to the larger, more powerful "slave arms", which are equipped with powered manipulators, hardpoints for mounting interchangeable weapons, plus subsensors and targeting systems which are housed in the wrists.
Another distinctive feature is the clamshell flight-backpack, which powers the two turbine engines mounted on swiveling hip joints. When stowed, the engines are folded down along the beltline; for flight they swing up so that the airscoop intakes point forward.
Unlike most Hardsuits, the suit does not have a separate helmet. Instead, the wearer's head is fully enclosed by a helmet-like armored turret, with scanning performed by a cluster of sensors. In non-combat situations, the visor can be opened to give the operator a clearer view.
WEIGHT.....125.25 kg........POWER......50 hours
STRENGTH....STR 11..LIFTING.........Wearer's x11
RUNNING..+2 Move......FLYING....Move 100 (300kph)
SENSOR RANGE....2 km....COMM RANGE....80 km
ARMOR SP.....75 Hits..........STRUCTURE.......75 SDP
WEAPONS (2).....WA.....RNG.....DMG.....LOC.....SPECIAL NOTES
LASER GUN.........+0.....800m.....8d6x3......-......ROF = 3
RAILGUN............+0.....350m.....14D6*.....-.......ROF =2,12 bursts,
MISSILES...........+0*......2 km....7d6x6....-........Smart (16+die) 2 shots
HAND-TO-HAND...+0......HTH......10D6*.....A, A....*AP
• Life Support (full sealing vs Nuclear. Biological & Chemical agents),
• Dual-mode helmet housing audiovisual, radio, targeting, ow light vision, IR & Thermograph, x32 magnification, Heads Up Display [+2 Perception] and retractable visor cover).
• ECCM System (Rank = 6) and radio scrambler.
• Maneuvering Vernier-Rockets and Variable-geometry flight pack; if a called shot at -2 is made and armor is penetrated, a component is destroyed and the suit can no longer fly.
• Emergency armor-ejection function (blows armor off wearer).
• Quick-change weapon mounts on forearms (choose 2 from list).