Monday, January 5, 2009

Boomers - War Robots of the Alternate Earth

Boomers are a new technology similar in use and design to the M-66 and M-99 battle androids in use in the UC3K campaign setting. They are far more mass-production in design and integrate little-understood A-Earth bio-trechnology to fabricate bio-cybernetic brains similar to, but notably different from the vat-grown Cyberform Brains from Cyberpunk 2020. They are varied in form and capability but share limited function as either battle, labor or service models.

Boomer Technology: "A New Race" is one way to describe these remarkable beings, artificial humanoids designed as a labor force for outer space and here at home. Their presence has had dramatic effect on the world of EX—both positive and negative.

On A-Earth, Boomers were created to aid in the development and colonization of outer space. The Cyberdroid development program (known cryptically as the "PCBC") was being handled by the BioEscape Corporation. Having devoted his life's work to merging the fields of biotechnology and mechatronics, BEC's chief researcher Dr. Katsuhito Stingray was placed in charge of the plan

Most of Doctor Stingray's work was conducted at BEC’s Wiz Laboratories facility. For the first experimental body, a frame composed of synthetic resin and a nervous system identical to a human being's were used; an actual human brain served as the central processing core for the android. Eventually, advances in the fields of biological and electrical engineering allowed Dr. Stingray to construct an artificial processor comparable to a human brain, and sometime in 2020, the first Cyberdroid was created—it was named Adama.

Despite this initial success. the plan's progress was often temporarily suspended due to the incredible costs involved—the price of producing one Boomer was equivalent to training twenty astronauts! At the same time, the A-Earth corporation ‘Genom’ was seeking government funding for its space development projects—as an incentive, Genom invested a great deal of capital in the PCBC. which allowed development to continue. Gradually, the "Boomers" (as they had come to be called) were equipped with thrusters for greater space mobility and a stronger covering for protection from cosmic rays As their distinctly humanoid features improved, Boomers were effectively becoming a second human(oid) race.

After two years of on-and-off development, Wiz Laboratories was destroyed due to an explosion caused by an operational error of some kind. Dr. Stingray was killed in this horrible "accident." With all data and prototypes lost. the PCBC was suspended. Later, a faction within the USSD worked with Genom to secretly re-implement the PCBC, creating a wealth of Boomers which soon appeared on the open market. Some were civilian and benign, but others more twisted and sinister: combat creatures designed to serve military objectives.

Countless types of Boomers are available: simple labor units. nursing androids, bestial combat models, exotic computer-linked types, anything the market requires Many even serve their original purpose of space development With the general public's acceptance of their usefulness. Non-combat Boomers have become integral to modern society and have significantly contributed to mankind's welfare.

Boomers are biotechnoloigcal entities, robots made up of protein mechanics. neo-metallic structures, artificial intelligence systems, and synthetic organs. Originally designed for space construction work, factories now pump out scads of different Boomers, ranging in complexity from cheap, dog brained robots to androids; which are almost completely indistinguishable from human beings. Marketed as labor-saving servants and mechanical workers, most are vaguely humanoid in form, but more utilitarian models also exist, such as boxes with legs, animal forms, and even vehicles

Each model is aimed at a specific consumer market. with all the models falling into eight general categories:

• Labor types are used for construction and sanitation. Labor Cyberdroids are the commonest and simplest types of Boomers, needing maintenance and recharges often. Their design is utilitarian, their bodies tailored to their duties. These robots usually resemble humans only slightly. Industrials include G-types (for space development) and R-types ( for repair and maintenance) among others.

• Mannequins resemble humans, but are deliberately identifiable as Cyberdroids: blue or gray "skin" tinting and body seams are earmarks of a Mannequin-type. These are waitresses, security guards, or even as domestic servants (some can be adapted for sex. but Androids are more popular).

• Androids are nearly indistinguishable from humans; while standard endoskeletory types (such as the F-series ) can be detected with X-rays, thermal scans, or simple weighing, advanced models (like the S-type Sexaroids) are only identifiable by dissection.

• Battle models are fielded by military forces, simultaneously fulfilling the role of soldier, weapon system, and light armored fighting vehicle. Battle Cyberdroids like the BU- 128 and the Doberman are heavily armed and armored, and while humanoid. would never pass for humans.

• Combat models are complex biomechanical "field agents". disguised to look human but capable of incredible feats of strength. Also known as "Covert" models, these Cyberdroids can burst out of their human disguise to increase armor protection and deploy weapons and thrusters. They also possess the ability to absorb a limited amount of inorganic matter from the environment, allowing them to adapt to changing situations, repair damage, and custom-tailor their capabilities on the fly.

• Fusion-capable models are very rare and frighteningly powerful. They possess all the abilities of Combat models, but they can absorb a nearly unlimited amount of inorganic matter. Fusion-capable Cyberdroids can effectively fuse with all the material in their surrounding environment, converting it to their own use at an alarming rate

• Experimental models are unique types with advanced abilities, usually testing increased-performance Als, weapons systems. musculature, and/or armor. Experimental Cyberdroids are usually based on Combat models the Super- and HyperBoomers are extreme examples of Experimental models.

• Second-Generation models represent prototypes for what is expected to be the future standard in Boomer design. Second-Generation Cyberdroids have more advanced Als with superior empathy and human comparability, and their bodies feature superior motive systems and armor.

Among these various categories. Boomers are also classified according to the complexity of their manufacture (representing their inherent quality and thus their price). A-Class Boomers are masterpieces, with a high percentage of biological components. Of the B-Class. only a handful remain, because they represent a compromise between quality and affordability which didn't sell well in an age of polarized economics. The C Class is popular, since it still resembles a human but is cheap and easy to maintain. D-Class Boomers are nothing more than robots, and as such appeal to consumers solely on the basis of their utility.

The cheaper Boomers, such as C-Class Mannequins and Labor types, can be overworked, which may lead to breakdowns or berserk behavior. Most C- and D-Class Boomers should only be utilized in 12-hour shifts, using them around the clock can overheat them, leading to trouble of the AD-Police variety. High-quality Boomers, however, are constructed in an entirely different way and are expected to perform for long periods of time (days, months, or even years) the endurance of an A- or B-Class Boomer's performance is owed to its power system. All Boomers are powered by an internal battery, but Battle. Combat and other such high-end Boomers use a supercompact engine to recharge their battery's energy reserves constantly. Lower-level Boomers simply rely on a power cell ( or a group of connected cells) which furnishes electrical current, and they require regular recharging.

Brains Ticking Inside: Lurking within every Boomer's head, behind a thick, impact-resistant casing, is an electronic brain. What that brain can do depends on the type of brain it is. Based on the complexity of their duties, most Boomers have a variation of either a Model-9 or Model-11 brain. Model-9s are purely robotic, and can only think according to their programming. The Model-11, however, has greater capacity and a faster processor; using the principle of Imprinted Al, it can even run artificial intelligence algorithms.

The Model-9 is used in cheaper Cyberdroids like Labor types, Mannequins, and Battle Boomers. This type of brain is cheap and easy to mass-produce still intelligent, it is characterized by belligerence, a "zombie-like quality," or even possibly animalistic behavior. More importantly, it is inherently more unstable. Some might call this pathetic, but Genom simply calls it efficient.

As opposed to Model-9s, Imprinted AI, Model-11s have all the functionality of a human brain, but several programming blocks restrain activity to the parameters set by their human designers. Boomers may go through the same trials, tribulations. and stresses as humans, but their responses are regulated by these imposed blocks. Therefore a Boomer can't have sophisticated emotions such as hatred or anger. Usually.

However, should the braincase be damaged (in an accident, for instance) and then penetrated by radiation (such as from an atomic blast, reactor leak, lab accident or cosmic rays ), two or three blocks may fail. In this case, the brains activity is suddenly unrestricted, allowing the Boomer to act according to its own ideas—this usually manifests as insanity, or, as engineers put it: "Program degradation due to emotional disorders." On rare occasions, such damage has resulted in spontaneous self-awareness.

Beyond the Norm: In an amazing new shift of technology, some Boomers can change their shape. Usually this ability is reserved for Combat aka ( "Covert" ) Boomers, who can compress their bodies to human proportions in order to disguise themselves. Some can even fuse with inorganic material, in either limited or nigh-infinite amounts The exact nature of this shapeshifting power is a closely-guarded secret—it would seem to involve nanotechnology, chemical reactions, and memory plastics.

To disguise itself as a human, a Covert Boomer must compress some of its internal systems (namely its thrusters and weaponry ) These systems are not functional in this form and must be "unpacked" for use—the Boomer literally explodes out of the disguise, drastically increasing in volume. While the increased surface area allows for better cooling and mobility, the larger size is primarily to allow the use of the Boomer's combat systems. This trading of infiltration ability for combat performance makes sense: disguised mode is "low profile", combat mode is "high profile".

Fusion-capable Boomers take the Covert Boomers' expansion capability even further. Through the use of invasive probes and viral infection. Fusion-capable Boomers can actually incorporate other objects and machines into themselves. This remarkable phenomenon lets the Boomer take control of anything composed of a man-made material, including steel, plastics, and even concrete. However, there has yet to be a Boomer which can fuse with organic materials, although scientists are no doubt hard at work on this even now. In extreme cases Boomers can actually incorporate themselves into their surroundings. turning their environment into their own body. There are three levels of this Fusion capability.

• Limited Fusion is practically a common occurrence, being a standard feature of the BU-55C. Such Combat Boomers can absorb a device(s) smaller and less complicated than the Boomer itself (such as a weapon, desktop computer, etc) and make full use of it as if the device had always been a part of it.

• Advanced Fusion allows the Boomer to absorb or fuse with a device(s) of comparable size and complexity to the Boomer itself (such as a car, large computer. etc.). Doctor Miriam's computer-hacking Boomer was designed with such capabilities.

• Unlimited Fusion is a dangerous, unpredictable power: As F. G. Frederick demonstrated. Boomers with unlimited Fusion potential can absorb or fuse with any device(s) of any virtually any size and complexity, including entire buildings, or even small cities. Whether the Boomer can effectively control such a large structure has yet to be fully tested.